Thursday 22 May 2014

My One Hundredth '100 Happy Day'

As some of you may know, I've been taking part in the challenge '100 Happy Days'  because I basically love any excuse to take photos and even better that it is of things that make me happy!

So here it is my one hundredth day and to be totally honest, most days I have struggled to choose just the ONE thing that has made me happy during the day! So I must be a very lucky girl to have multiple aspects of my life every day that make me smile!

The other 99 photos are on my instagram if you'd like a look-see.

I'm rather surprised how quickly a 100 days has gone and how much has changed in my life in that short space of time. I will definitely keep posting photos of things that make me happy, as I've learnt through this that life is pretty good right now and I feel it needs to be shared!


Friday 7 February 2014

My most familiar coast

So now I am back from Devon, having finished my internship I have a some spare time on my hands... which means I get to spend more time at my home beach. 

Love the beach in winter, so refreshing. 

Tuesday 1 October 2013

Pretty Peacocks at Arlington Court

Has to still be my favourite bird....

If you are in North Devon check out Arlington Court and Carriage Museum they have beautiful walled kitchen garden and grounds to roam in!

Tuesday 3 September 2013

Devonshire Adventures so far...


Buckland Abbey


A La Ronde

Over the past two weekends I have made an effort to visit as many National Trust locations as possible, so I can gather more of a understanding of their portfolio. Last weekend I started with Cotehele (in Cornwall actually) and Buckland Abbey, both north of Plymouth. This weekend I moved onto Knightshayes, north of Tiverton and A La Ronde, near Exmouth.