Sunday 26 August 2012

PSFK Conference and Arts Thread

Big thank you to Arts Thread and PSFK for selecting me along side 3 other graduates to be part of a panel of young professionals at the PSFK Conference London 2012 on September 13th. Should be an exciting day full of creativity and inspiring brands from Jaguar to Innocent Drinks.

Take a look at PSFK...

Front Row Society 'Your Element'

A few days ago I received a lovely email from Front Row Society asking if I would submit a design to their 'Your Element' Contest. Designs will be judged by Front Row Society and Anthropologie and from the highest ranking designs Anthropologie will choose three to be made into luxurious 100% modal scarves and sold as part of a limited edition range from October 2012So I've spent a couple of evenings creating some patterns from my mountain scape photographs and drip mark brushes in Illustrator. 

Feels good to be exercising my designs again! Whether successful or not I've enjoyed creating some new designs and learning more techniques to further my skills. I hope to enter more Front Row Society Contests in the near future!