Sunday 28 October 2012

Camera Box

For my dear Mama's birthday last week I customised a little box to house her birthday money.... as in a card it isn't that exciting! Made a sticker for each side of a box, thanks to the great Roland printer at work.

A Day with The Bridge

Last week I had an inspiring day with the new company 'The Bridge' in London. Thanks to Arts Thread again for selecting me to take part in the workshop. Talking with other creatives about their process of getting what they want for their chosen career path, proved to be very inspiring and helped me gain perspective for my own future. Next week involves 1-1... which should be even more useful!

Check The Bridge out: 

Sunday 14 October 2012

New Designs for Front Row Society...

Couple of New Designs for Front Row Society titled 'Your Own Equinox'...

Taken from a few Cactus at Kew Gardens.